I have recently read chapters 12-14 of 1st Nephi in the Book of Mormon. In these chapters Nephi is shown a vision of the History of the Americas and the events leading up to the restoration of the Gospel. I was amazed to read how both accurate and detailed this vision is. It begins with Jesus coming to the Americas. Nephi writes that that the Lord ordained twelve apostles. Nephi sees the passing away of three generations, the destruction of the Nephite nation, and the preservation of the record which had been kept from Nephi down to Moroni. The dream then jumps to the discovery of the Americas by the explorer Columbus. Nephi writes, “And it came to pass that I beheld the Spirit of God, that it came down and wrought upon the man; and he went fourth upon the many waters, even unto the seed of my brethren, who were in the Promised Land.” I was amazed to learn that the great Christopher Columbus himself credited his discovery to God in his journals he wrote, “Our Lord unlocked my mind, sent me upon the sea, and gave me fire for the deed. Those who heard of my enterprise called it foolish, mocked me, and laughed. But who can doubt but that the Holy Ghost inspired me?”
The next event that Nephi sees is the colonization of America by the Europeans. He sees the revolutionary war. He writes that, “their mother Gentiles were gathered together upon the waters, and upon the land also, to battle with them.” Nephi writes that God was with the Americans and that they were, “delivered by the power of God” from the British. After the war he sees the restoration of the Gospel by Joseph Smith and the coming fourth of the Book of Mormon and many other books including the Doctrine and Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price.
Many opponents of the Book of Mormon often think that Joseph Smith simply wrote down a history of the Americas as he knew it, but it is important to note many differences between the vision of history and what Joseph Smith knew to happen. One difference occurs in the part of the vision of the Revolutionary War. During the time that Joseph Smith was translating the record it was the opinion of Americans that the founding fathers were heroes who were able to fight the mighty British and win through their own genius. This is not the case in the Book of Mormon, Nephi writes that they were delivered by the hand of God. This is a common theme throughout all scripture. The Israelites were delivered from the Egyptians by the hand of God just as the Americans were from the British. Recent research shows that the Americans narrowly escaped defeat numerous times, each time they were saved by an unexpected storm, heavy fog, or an error on the behalf of the British. I have a firm belief that they were truly delivered by the hand of God.
I have a firm testimony of the divinity of the Book of Mormon; I know it to be true with all my heart. Joseph did not simply write down a story, he translated the record through the power of God, of which I have a testimony. I am grateful for the Prophet Joseph Smith and his great sacrifice. I know that it was through the power of God that the America was founded and because of its founding Joseph could restore the only true Church to the Earth.
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